Do you ever feel like half the month, your energy and emotions are on a runaway roller coaster?
My friend, you are not alone if you're…
- Fed up with emotions that change with the wind?
- Done with energy levels that seem to drop off a cliff?
- Ready to ditch PMS that rivals Jack Nicholson in The Shining?
You’re in the right place.
Does this sound a little *too* familiar…?
Screams your morning death siren...
As you come around, your mind races through all you have to get done today.
Just last week, you were flying high, feeling fab and ready to take on the world.
But today is not the one!
That motivation from last week? Is clearly on a holibob, and your whole body is just yearning to stay cosy, warm in the duvet cave you made for yourself.
"What’s wrong with meeeeeeeeee?"
*penny drops*
Ohhhhhhhh it’s that time of the month again.
That 'time' your emotions seem to have a mind of their own, and PMS does you wrong as it catches you off guard in nuclear blow-ups with your partner.
Cramps and bloating? Oh, well, they are just all part of the joy, and painkillers are your bleed-time BBF.
Not to mention, the trousers you felt amazing in last week now make you feel like a prize-winning Christmas ham.
The faint air of a headache creeps across your forehead, and your eyes well up.
Maybe you’ll just stay in your blanket fortress for a little bit longer….
What if instead…
You spoke your body's language.
You could understand it intuitively, like being thirsty or hungry.
What if you understood it’s crazy curveballs on that level?
So you can finally…
✨ Tap into your internal ‘knowing’
✨ Make choices that serve your highest level of well-being.
✨ Stop yo-yoing between extreme emotions that make you feel like you're losing your mind.
Boundaries? No drama! Your well-being is non-negotiable now, and that means that you have more control over your emotions and energy.
People pleasing can get in the bin.
Cycle savvy is where it's at.

Ready to listen to what your body is telling you and stop white-knuckling through those unavoidable hormonal shifts?
...WITHOUT relying on impersonal apps or generic advice from Dr Google?
Never feel in the dark again when it comes to your hormones….
Charting your cycle so you deeply understand YOUR body’s signals is the stuff personal power is built on.
👉 There is a broad spectrum of what is considered ‘Normal’ when it comes to the menstrual cycle.
Knowing your cycle instinctively and being able to understand the messages your body gives you intuitively is NOT the same as logging on to an app to TELL you what is going on in your body!
(Pssssssst... an app CANNOT know how YOU FEEL).
And when you can anticipate WHAT you need and WHEN to support you will…..
✨ Live in a way that supports you all cycle long.
✨ Have self-care that shifts with your hormonal fluctuations.
✨ Stop asking, ‘What's wrong with me?’ every time you wobble.
Cycle Design
Unlock your ‘inner knowing’ and get cycle savvy in just 30 days through the magical medium of journaling and cycle charting.
Cyclical support at your fingertips…
🩸 Daily Sound Snacks - From day 1 of your period, you get bite-sized daily audio lessons that easily fit into your day so that you can gain clarity about your emotions and energy shifts.
🩸 Resources and Handouts - Easy-to-follow essential cyclical nuggets of wisdom that guide you step-by-step so you can build your knowledge and confidence without feeling overwhelmed.
🩸 Cycle Harmony - A Cycle 101 workshop that will set the foundations for your daily journaling so you can start your journey with a solid understanding.
🩸 2 Months of Follow-Up Wisdom - Stay supported with ongoing tips and guidance so you can continue to grow and maintain your newfound harmony.
After you finish Cycle Design…
✨ Surprise periods that sabotage mini breaks and holidays will be a thing of the past. You’ll be a Cycle Charting pro and never wonder, ‘What's wrong with me?’ again.
✨ You’ll never have to wonder why your emotions wobbled out of nowhere because you will have a clear understanding of how your hormones impact you.
✨ You’ll never EVER have to rely on Dr. Google again because your charting and inner ‘knowing’ will tell you all you need to know.
Is Cycle Design really for you?
This is perfect for you if you…
➡️ Want to develop body literacy so that you'll know what support you’ll need and when.
➡️ Have a period and want to make sense of your energy levels, emotions, and PMS symptoms.
➡️ Have/had a cycle or relate to having a cycle and want to understand how to work with your natural energy rhythms.
➡️ You don’t have a period or are in perimenopause and want to use the moon cycle to map your energy levels.
This is definitely NOT for you if...
❌ Journaling feels like pulling teeth to you; it's just not your cup of tea.
❌ Understanding your body's natural rhythms sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry.
❌ You're looking for a magic overnight fix because you'd rather not put in the time and effort.
❌ You're not interested in learning about your body beyond what an app or quick Google search can tell you.
Imagine, in 3 blissful months from now you are...
➡️ No longer confused about why the energy you had yesterday seems to have gone on holiday, leaving you alone with the inner critic and her cronies.
➡️ Not waiting for that moustached imposter syndrome to take you down as soon as a quiver of self-worth dares to drift in.
➡️No longer berating yourself for not being able to stick to that new routine you promised yourself you would DEFINITELY stick to this time.
➡️ Not scrambling to hit snooze, arriving at your desk at the last second, and waking up with an industrial-sized bucket of coffee.
And instead you...
✨ Know WHY and WHEN your energy shifts and have tools to help you manage that.
✨ You have a routine that works WITH your fluctuating energy and gives space both for lie-ins and new habits.
✨ And you’ll never be left feeling like your body just bish slapped you again!
Understand her wily ways and be one step ahead of her mind games.
So that you can go into each and every day with unshakable inner wisdom
(even when it feels like your period is making a paper doily of your uterus with tiny scissors)
Unlock the secrets of your cycle.
Embrace your body's wisdom.
Transform your life.
The daily Sound Snacks are only 5-10 minutes, making it easy to fit into your day.
Absolutely! The program is fully online and accessible from anywhere.
The program is designed for a 30-day cycle, but you can revisit the materials anytime, and you have life time access.
No, the program is self-paced with no live elements.
I am on a mission to change the conversation about being in a body that bleeds.
Hi, I'm Samantha,
With 4 years of experience in women's health and cycle education, I am passionate about helping you understand your body better. I have helped countless women decode their cycles and gain personal power through body literacy.
It all started in July 2020 when my world was changed forever because I learnt that…
👉 My menstrual cycle was MORE than just my period!
You just don’t know what you don’t know! And that was sadly the case for me and my menstrual cycle.
😩 I was happily living in the dark (except I was miserable)
😩 Going about life without periods (because I'd had 3 rounds of a coil)
😩 Living in my masculine energy (aka a one-way ticket to burnout town)
I never thought about my cycle, periods, or my body! I treated it like a meat suit along for the ride!
➡️ I got frustrated by it when it didn't do what I wanted it to
➡️ Betrayed when my legs failed me, and I couldn't run as fast as I wanted to.
➡️ And blindsided by the many waves of emotion that sucker-punched me regularly.
It's safe to say I was living in total disconnect from my body!
⛅ And then Cyclical Living entered my world.
Cyclical living is your personal roadmap to your well-being (let's be honest, your life).
It helps you to elevate your mood, motivation and mindset by syncing your routine with the rhythms of your body's natural energy cycle.
And over time, I started to -
👉 Think about my body differently, rather than it being a meat suit along for the ride (and that I openly criticised and hated).
👉 Be mindful of how I used my energy and the boundaries I kept (recovering people pleaser over here 🙋♀️).
👉 Choose HOW I moved my body rather than beating it into submission (coz that always works).
>>> And I all my usual questions of - What wrong with me?
⛔ Stopped.
Because I knew, there was nothing wrong with me.
I was just experiencing a shift of energy, and it would pass.
I also knew that if I had reached 38 without realising this, then there would be others!
Enter... Cycle Design
I want you to be able to so you can shortcut the years of confusion and disconnect I lived in and connect with your body's natural rhythms so you can...
✨ Know WHY and WHEN your energy shifts and have tools to help you manage that.
✨ Have intelligent routines that work WITH your fluctuating energy and give space both for lie-ins and new habits.
✨ Stop being so hard on yourself because you know and accept that your energy works differently to the linear world we live in.... and that's OK!
Becuase being in a body with fluctuating energy lever never EVER makes you 'less than'. It is just part of the magical mystery of having a womb. 🩸