200+ on-demand cyclical yoga practices.
Work with your body's natural rhythms and optimise your energy levels from the comfort of your home.

Ever felt confused why last week you were repping squats like a boss, and this week you're not 100% sure you're gonna make it up the stairs? Well, wonder no more!
Your body rides a wild hormonal roller coaster every month, with dizzying ups, and plummeting downs that often leave you wondering, what the heck just happened?
But fear not my friend, these fluctuations are totally normal. You are not failing at life, it's just that the world you live in works on a 24-hour cycle... NOT a 28-DAY cycle! And trying to fit into that, will always leave you feeling like you're playing catch up!
➡️ Stop beating yourself up for not being able to go harder, faster, and stronger. Instead, move with Mother Nature to build an intelligent practice that aligns with your body's natural rhythm and energy levels.
➡️ Stop forcing yourself into the same old exercise routine every month only to wonder why it’s not working. Moving cyclically is like having a personalised workout plan tailored to your body’s needs in each cycle phase.
➡️ With over 200 practices to choose from, which means no matter what phase you’re in, you’ll be sure to find a practice that will have you feeling more centred and energised than ever before.
Root & Rise is a one-stop shop of cyclical goodness. It's not just about building a movement practice that brings you joy. It’s about understanding your body off the mat, too! That’s why you get my Cycle Harmony Charting Workshop and E-book.
Cycle Harmony will help you to discover your unique cyclical blueprint to unravel the mysteries of your cycle (and stop asking ‘what's wrong with me’ when your body throws you curveballs)
👉 Your period is medically recognised as your 5th vital sign of health.
Body literacy is the art of translating the messages your body gives you. As women and people with periods, we have relied on the outside world to inform us what is happening in OUR bodies for waaaaaaay too long. But everything from the duration, colour, smell and quantity informs you of your overall health.
👉 There is a broad spectrum of what is considered ‘Normal’ when it comes to the menstrual cycle. Knowing your cycle instinctively, and being able to understand the messages your body gives you intuitively, is NOT the same as logging on to an app to TELL you what is going on in your body!
(Pssssssst... an app CANNOT know how YOU FEEL).
And when you can anticipate WHAT you need and WHEN to support you…..
✨ You will move your body in a way that supports you all cycle long.
✨ You will have self-care that shifts with your hormonal fluctuations.
✨ You will stop asking ‘What's wrong with me?’ every time you wobble.
I highly recommend Root & Rise, Samantha doesn't know it but she has helped me every day to get strong and learn to appreciate my body. - Beth Moxon
🩸 You are curious about working with your cycle and want to develop your body literacy, deepen your intuition and make sense of the fluctuations you experience.
🩸 You have a period but your energy levels are a mystery, your emotions blindside or you experience PMS, pain, cramps and feel frustrated when your body doesn’t keep up in the way you want it to.
🩸 You don’t have a period (for whatever reason) or are in Perimenopause and want to understand how to move cyclically using the moon cycle to map your energy levels. Click here to find out more
🩸 You are a new OR experienced yoga student and you want to learn how to enhance your practice in rhythm with your natural energy and move in a way that cultivates hormone harmony for your inner ecosystem.
✔️ Delve deeper into cycle wisdom with Cycle Harmony and learn how to listen to your body so you know what you need and when on and off the mat.
✔️ Discover how to move with the rhythms of your natural energy cycle and use embodied movement to explore each cycle phase.
✔️ Learn how to balance your movement and organise your life so that you can live in flow supported from within.
✔️ Each flow is designed to work with your energy cycle and energy levels if you choose. No cycle? No problem. You can move in the cycle of the moon. Click here to find out more.
My gratitude goes to Samantha who has truly helped me get in tune with the cycles of my body to live with more peace and less struggle. - Jen Albano
You Get
✨ 200+ Practices - Each designed to work with a different phase of the cycle/moon phase. A mix of Vinyasa, Yin, Creative and Functional movement.
✨ Mini Posture Workshops - To help you grow your practice.
✨ A copy of my Cycle Harmony E-Book to get you started with everything you need to know to live more cyclically.
✨ Cycle Harmony Charting Workshop To help build the foundations of your cyclical practice on and off the mat.
My vision is to hold a compassionate space for you to develop an achievable, nourishing practice to experience movement with mindfulness and care. Guiding you with authenticity & encouraging you to work with your body and its cycles so that you can experience, grow and enjoy being your best self in the comfort of your own body.
~ Samantha Garstin
Before I answer this I just want to say, you do not need to be flexible to do yoga! You just need to start where you are, as you are.
You don't need to have done yoga before to join the membership, by nature of the way I have designed the membership there are some challenging classes and some slower, gentler classes. If you have done any form of exercise class and are used to using your body in a creative way like dance, aerobics, gym class, keep fit, at home work out etc you will feel quite comfortable. If you have never done any movement class ever, it might be a little bit of a learning curve, but definitely something you can learn. Even if you can't touch your toes!
There are lots of workshops to help you find your feet with the more complicated postures and I always give variations and modifications in every class to suit different body and mobility types.
I always encourage everyone to share in the community if I have not given a variation that suits you and then I can give you more tailored modifications so that you can grow your practice.
Yes, Root & Rise is a one-off payment and then it's all yours for as long as you want to keep it.
In an ideal world, a mat, 2 blocks, and an extra-long strap, please contact me for recommendations before you invest, but really all you need is a floor space to get started.
No problem, for whatever reason you don't have a cycle or it is irregular you can learn to chart the cycle you do have or cycle with the moon.
Moving in sync with our body through the cycle phases helps to nourish us by working with our bodies rather than against them. If you're interested in this, let me explain some about it here > more here....
Yoga has changed everything for me, I just love to move my body! Sometimes my practice doesn't even look like yoga, some days it's more like interpretive dance, and some days I might just breathe. I am an eternal student, driven to find new ways to practice and expand my knowledge.
My menstrual cycle has also been a key player in shaping how I feel in the world, after I had my last coil removed, I felt compelled to explore my feminine energy as I reclaimed my cycle. The ancient wisdom of menstruality resonated with me deeply and I knew that this was my path.
My yoga practice began about 10 years ago. After years of pushing myself to the limits both in mind and body, my early practice created such a profound shift, that it left me totally hooked! Yoga is more than movement, it is a practice of being connected to your body with awareness and conscious intention. And this is what I love to bring to my teaching.
I have a variety of formal training, which pulls from numerous styles in the yoga system. I am certified as a Vinyasa teacher, trained with The Sacred Fig and registered with the Yoga Alliance.
I blend a style of traditional yoga systems and functional movement methods along with my own twist of cyclical wisdom. To offer a varied practice that helps my students move with more freedom, ease and flow both on and off the mat.
I am also a certified Cycle Coach and Menstrual Wellness Educator mentored by Claire Baker, which offers a unique blend of experiences to help my students move with the rhythm of their natural energy cycles.
I live the practice of being connected to my body and its cycles to help me stay consciously and mindfully, aware of myself and who I am in the world every day. My own body has been one of my biggest teachers!
I walk my talk and live what I preach. So much of what I am able to share has been informed by my own experiences, I live it every day, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep!
I am guided and comforted daily by an internal compass which has led me on a journey of self-exploration both on and off the mat. The marriage of Yoga and Cyclical Living has changed my life in ways I never thought possible and for that, I am deeply grateful. Read more about my story HERE
Are you ready to feel this for yourself? To feel empowered and body confident and to be ready for whatever life throws at you?